We integrate social values into everything that we do.
As set out within our Core Values, we are passionate about providing equal opportunities, reducing inequality, and supporting good health and wellbeing for all our staff.
What we do:
- Ensure annual Equality and Diversity training for all staff through our CPD Programme.
- Organise staff forums, enabling them to have their say in supporting local charitable organisations.
- Provide opportunities for our staff to undertake personal charitable challenges / fund raisers.
- Provide opportunities for staff to volunteer their time towards local charitable events.
- Convene Social Committee meetings, allowing staff to choose events such as cycling, golfing and hiking, to promote wellbeing.
- Align our social, economic and environmental targets and values. Please refer to our Carbon Emissions Reduction Plan (CERP).
- Create degree apprenticeship opportunities through local Universities.
- Create full-time opportunities for Placement Year Students.
- Offer regular work experience placements for local schools.
- Continue to engage with the local Universities built-environment courses.
- Regularly present at local schools and colleges to encourage students to pursue careers in construction related professional services.
Castle Owen support local social enterprises, community groups and charities.
We support the Roundabout Youth Homeless Charity and The Archer Project, which supports homeless people in Sheffield. Castle Owen assists them with fund raising events such as Breakfast Club and their annual fundraising ball.
We have provided Whirlow Hall Farm Trust with professional Project Management, Quantity Surveying and Quality Management services, for the development of their new café and education facilities. The trust provides educational support to disadvantaged children with special educational needs.
If you would like to learn more about the above charities and how we support them, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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